Addiction Phases1 2018-02-16T17:39:06+00:00

Addiction Phases

Phases of Recovery and Brain Re-Set

Phase I – Detox

The detoxification phase of addiction recovery takes place within an in-patient fully supervised facility.  After the client has eliminated the toxins in their system, they are then ready to embark on Brain Re-Set program along with their facility-based therapeutic programs.

Phase II – Brain Re-Set Program

This program should be considered an adjunct and compliment to a long term care program provided by a case manager/therapist/psychologist/psychiatrist. It is strictly focused on neurophysiology and neurocognitive abilities, which is necessary for full and lasting recovery.

The goal of the program is to enable the brain to fully support the nervous system. This will allow optimal appropriate performance to occur, substance free. The individual can then become integrated back into a healthy lifestyle. The intent is not only for recovery but also to eliminate relapse tendencies.

This is accomplished though healing the brain and the body while improving cognitive abilities. This then allows an individual to fully participate in their life’s mission. When cognitive abilities are compromised through substance abuse or other traumatic reasons, the brain perceives this as an injury. Therefore; we treat the brain as if it has received a brain injury. In our studies, even though an individual may be mature and in their 20, 30, 40, 50 and so on, it is not unusual for us to find the judgment centers functioning at the level, much lower than their chronological age. In some cases, these individuals may be functioning at a third grade level in social function, which is inappropriate for their chronological age.  This can create a confusing and perplexing lifestyle.

As cognitive abilities improve, we have found emotional and regulation control also improves, leading to fewer triggers for relapse.